Quiz 1

This quiz is to be turned in at 2:05 PM.

All answers to this quiz should be based on a same database used in Homework 4 and Homework 5. In particular this database contains two tables: CourseEnroll with fields

Field Type Length
Year int 4
Term char 1
Number int 4
Section char 3
Enrollment int 4
CH int 4

which describes CSCI course offerings at UNCA over the last several years and CourseNamewith fields

Field Type Length
Number int 4
Title char 30

which gives the titles of CSCI courses. The CHfield in CourseEnrollis the number of credit hours associated with the course, and the Termfield of CourseEnrollcontains 1 for Spring, 3 for Summer, and 6 for Fall.

Problem 1 (66 points)

Write both relational algebra expressions andSQL SELECTstatements to find the following information:

  1. The years and terms in which CSCI 343 has been offered
  2. The names of all courses offered in the Spring 93 semester
  3. The years and terms in which more than 25 students enrolled in any section of CSCI 343

Problem 2 (34 points)

Write SQL SELECTstatements to find the following information:

  1. The total number of all students who have enrolled in CSCI 343
  2. The names of all courses that were offered in more than one section in the Spring 93 semester

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