Example Scripts for CSCI 373

View the error log

This simple Bourne shell script prints the last thirty lines of the error log on www.cs.unca.edu.

Computer Science logo

This Bourne shell script uses a random number generator to build a slightly different logo each time it is run. The logo is generated from a PostScript file which is then transformed to a GIF image using the PBMplus utilities.

Finger Robinson 004

This Perl scripts runs finger on all the workstations in the Robinson 004 lab. The script can be a little slow if some of the workstations aren't responding.

Checkerboard generator

This Perl script generates and 8x8 checkerboard. Choose the two colors for the checkerboard squares and then the size, in pixels, of the squares. Any legitimate X11 colors should work. Choose a small size!

Upper left color
Upper right color
Size of a square

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