The goals

See the spreadsheet for the calculations. I hope to put this in moodle as a rebric.

D level

  1. Complete the required CSCI 178 assignment.

C level

  1. Be able to create a well structured web page using HTML.
  2. Be able to create a well structured web page using CSS.
  3. Be able to turn on LED’s and read switches on a stand-alone microcontroller board.
  4. Be able to turn on LED’s and read switches using Python.

B level

  1. Be able to create a well structured web page using JavaScript or jQuery.
  2. Be able to set up a web server on the “cloud.”
  3. Be able to implement an Arduino or Raspberry Pi application that makes a motor move.
  4. Appreciate and describe the useless machine.

A level

  1. Be able to create a web application that uses AJAX or a popular API.
  2. Be able to set up a web server on a stand-alone system, such as a Raspberry Pi.
  3. Be able to interact with MEMS devices using Python.
  4. Be able to write an Arduino or Raspberry Pi application that makes a toy entertain.