Open the template file Use eyedropper to select color Create rectangle covering letters Right-click inside Edit >> Fill with foreground Save? Stencil Tutorial : Three Layers (Beginner Stencils in GIMP) Open Johnny and June Cover (as separate file) @1:05 Windows >> Dockable dialogs >> Layers (CTRL-L) ** WORKING ON JUNE... Click on layer >> duplicate Un-click the eyes (in Layers menu) to work on one layer In menu at top (select image and move to top) Colors >> Threshold In Apply Threshold, move the slider to a dark Right-click on layer, Edit layer attributes Rename ** Repeat for Johhny Click on layer >> duplicate Un-click the eyes (in Layers menu) to work on one layer ** in June later, use lasso to trace June Copy and Paste into other image Layer >> Scale layer Set to 450 pixels high Rotate Tools >> Transform Tools >> Rotate Tools >> Transform Tools >> Scale Just create new layer and it is anchored To move, select the move tools (under eyedropper) How to Put Text on Path (Tips and Tricks) - Inkscape Tutorial