Homework E5

Due dates

This assignment must be submitted to the Moodle submission page for Homework E5 by 11:00 PM on Tuesday, 27 September.

The assignment

In this assignment the user will enter a line of up to 100 characters before the end-of-line character, '\n', or an end-of-file (EOF) is encountered.

The program will respond by printing the last half of the line in reverse order. If the line has an odd number of characters, the middle character should also be printed. A single '\n' should then be printed to complete the program's single line of output.

Again, you will need to use an array for this problem.

Example 1

ECE 209 Homework E5
J Dean Brock

Enter a line

Isn't the number 209 odd?

?ddo 902 rebm

Example 2

ECE 209 Homework E5
J Dean Brock

Enter a line

Isn't the number 212 even?

?neve 212 reb

Example 3

ECE 209 Homework E5
J Dean Brock

Enter a line

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,

oof fo ega eht saw ti ,modsiw fo ega eht saw ti ,s