Grading rubric -- final Problem 1: -1 pt for each mistake Problem 2: (Problem 5 of exam 2 with one added case) 0.5 pt each 0.3 for the reason Problem 3: 0.45 pt for each problem 0.30 for the value 0.15 for the type Problem 4: 1 pt for first example specifier (%9.3f) 0.5 pt for %% in second example if using %.0f in second example 1.0 pt for specifier 0.5 pt for x*100 if using %d in second example 0.8 pt for specifier 0.7 pt for (int)(x*100+0.5) Problem 5: 2 pts for each loop Either 0, 1, or 2 pts for the loop Problem 6: 2 pts for each section of code leading to a printf Problem 7: Subproblem 7A -- 5 pts 1.25pt for each of scanf to &size values = calloc(size, sizeof(double)) loop for 0 to size-1 scanf to &values[i] Subproblem 7B -- 1 pt Subproblem 7C -- 6 pts 1.2pt for each of loop from 0 to size-1 comparision with medValue summing of appropriate values counting of appropriate values computing average and printing Problem 8: 1.5 pts for each of for loop through the rows inner for loop through the columns counts hyphens in rows counts plus in rows appropriate tests for counts of hypens and rows counts possibleRows correctly sets gridRow correctly sets gridColumn correctly Problem 9: Subproblem 9A -- 6 pts 1.5 pts for each of Search for first non-white spaece Search for last non-white space 2.0 pts for Moving string to right position 1.0 pt for Ending string with '\0' Subproblem 9B -- 6 pts 1.2 pts for each of Searching for "Charlotte" test for punctuation after "Charlotte" replacement with "Asheville" Moving 9 (or so) characters to next possible match Loop stucture Problem 10: Subproblem 10A -- 6 pts 1.0 pts: function header 2.0 pts: Allocating stucture with malloc 0.5 pts: Testing malloc return 2.0 pts: Setting 5 fields (0.4 each) 0.5 pts: return Subproblem 10B -- 6 pts more or less, 1 pt per correct line