Grading rubric -- exam 2 Problem 1: 2 pts for getting the name in an appropriate variable 3 pts for the copy Problem 2: 1 pt for each problem 0.7 for the value 0.3 for the type Problem 3: 2 pts for printing 3 pts for first and last blocks 4 pts for the middle blocks Problem 4: 4 pts for counting code (initialization and incrementing) 9 pts for indexing (the double for loops) 9 pts for testing (the four slashes) 3 pts for printing Problem 5: 1 pt each 0.5 for the reason Problem 6: Generally 1 or 2 pts per mistake, depending on seriousness Problem 7: Generally 1 or 2 pts per mistake, depending on seriousness Problem 8: Solutions that were close and had no loops 9 or 10 points "Solutions" that used strrchr twice [strrchr works with charactes not strings] 4 points "Solutions" without loops that only tested only looked for "abc" once 3 or fewer points Programs with a loop 0/1 for unnecassary loop 3 for iteration through characters 3 for test of "abc" 3 for counting and settyorn Problem 9: Solutions that were close Other submissions 5 pts for iteration 5 pts for handling multiple matches of "abc" correctly would work "abc!abc5" and "abc5abc!" 5 pts for handling single match of "abc" would work on "abc5" and "xyz"