Homework 6

Due date

This assignment must be submitted as a single file named yzscore.c for Homework 6 of the ECE 209.602 / CSCI 373.002 section on UNCA moodle by 11:00 PM on Wednesday, 13 October.

The assignment as given at NC State

This second programming assignment is based on the the second NCSU ECE 209.001 program assignment with minor changes marked on the handout.

Before starting this solution, you should download the following two small files which will be used as drivers for the assignment.

Your solution will be a single file yzscore.c which will be called from the main routine. Turn in only the yzscore.c file.

The modifications for our section

  1. The due date is 13 October.
  2. Students addicted to the Java/C++ style of comments may use -std=c99 rather than -pedantic as a command line option.
  3. I've created a Moodle forum, which should be similar to the NCSU Message Board, for this assignment. If you have a specific question about your program, send a copy of your program, along with your question, to brock@cs.unca.edu.
  4. As mentioned above, completed programs are to be submitted as yzscore.c by moodle