Problem 2: Deduct 0.3 for each missed type. Deduct 0.7 for each missed value. Problem 5: Grade is max of the following two methods: a) Deduct 1 point for each incorrect printed value. b) Deduct 1.4 point for each incorrect value, but ignore incorrect values that follow from previous mistakes. Problem 6: 1 point for initialization of m before loop 3 points for proper for-loop header to examine elements of array (1 point for each expression of the for-loop header 2 points for correct comparison inside for loop (give 0.5 of 2.0 if comparing adjacent elements) 2 points for update of m Problem 8: 1 point for initialization before loop 3 points for proper for-loop header to examine elements of array (1 point for each expression of the for-loop header 3 points for correct comparison and update inside with loop 1 point for return Problem 10: Generally the points were divided across the parts of the expression. However, if no function was used, 1.5 points were deducted. Problem 11: Generally, half-credit if testing only works for one of the two cases Problem 12: 1 point, if the test is only for the first character (usually strcmp) Problem 13: For partial credit 1 point, if test determines position of last character (strlen) 1 point, if test determines '!' is anywhere in the string Problem 14: 1.5 point, for finding first '@' 2.5 point, for comparing following string with "" 1.5 if comparision starts with slightly wrong string (off by one) 1.0 if comparision starts from begining of s Problem 15: -1.0 point, using "w" rather than "r" -0.5 point, using r rather than "r" -1.0 point, wrong parentheses on test -1.0 point, compares fopen result with value other than NULL Problm 16: 2.0 points -- for fopen part -- as in prob 15 3.0 points -- for test that '?' is first character 3.0 points -- for test EOF occurs after first character