Assignment 3 for CSCI 255

Due date

This assignment must be submitted as a single file for Assignment 3 of the CSCI 255 section on UNCA moodle by 11:00 PM on Wednesday, 3 November.

You can use whatever name you wish for the file, but submit it in either ASCII text or OpenOffice Text (.odt) format. MS Word 2007 will save in either of these formats.

The task

Using the rules discussed in the handouts on Translating C to C: Control structures and Translating C to C: Simple Expressions, "compile" the following two sequences of C statements into simple C statements in which (1) at most one operator appears on the right hand side of an assignment statement and (2) the only "control" structures are one of the following three:

Of course your program is going to have lots of goto's and labels.

C code sequence 1

int m, n, t, lcm, gcd ;
while (m != n) {
  if (m < n) {
    t = m ;
    m = n ;
    n = t ;
  } else {
    m = m - n ;
gcd = m ;
lcm = i*j/gcd ;

C code sequence 2

int p, q, x ;
if (p && q == 5 || p == q) {
  x = p*p + q*q ;
} else {
  x = q ;