ECE 209 Assignments 5 & 6

The two part breakdown

This assignment is to do the Program 3 of the other ECE 209 section in two different Programming Assigments. Each part of this assignment will be graded on a 75-point scale rather than the usual 100-point scale.

Assignment 5

Due date

This assignment must be submitted as a C single file for Assignment 5 of the ECE 209.602 section on UNCA moodle by 11:45 PM on Friday, 13 November.

The task

This half of the assignment is the reading and writing of PGMA files. Here you will only implement two, the rf (read file) and wf (write file), commands of the eight commands of the Program 3 specification.

To save lot of frustration trying to cut-and-past from PDF, download the C program Assign5.c to start the assignment.

Assignment 6

Due date

This assignment must be submitted as a C single file for Assignment 6 of the ECE 209.602 section on UNCA moodle by 11:45 PM on Tuesday, 17 November.

The task

The second half of the assignment is the manipulation of two-dimensional array. Now you will implement the remaining five commands of the Program 3 specification.

Viewing PGMA files

If you want to look at PGM files under Windows, you can download GIMP. There are many people out there who use GIMP as a free alternative to Photoshop. If you use it to generate files for this assignment be sure to save them as 80x80 images.

Mugshots in the appropriate format

If you don't want to be in this list, send the instructor an email message.