ECE 209 Problem Session 2

In this lab we are going to work on a little program with a loop that (1) asks the "user" if they want to countdown and (2) does a countdown.

Start with the following program, which has some bugs, and try to get in running correctly.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
  int start, n ;
  char ans ;

  ans = '?' ;
  while (ans != 'n') {
    do {
      printf("Do you wish to continue:  [y or n]\n") ;
      scanf("%c", &ans) ;
      scanf("%*c") ;
    } while (ans != 'y' && ans != 'n') ;
    printf("Enter a positive number:\n") ;
    scanf("%d", &start) ;
    for(n=start; n>=0; --n)
      printf("%3d\n", n) ;
  return(0) ;