CSCI 431 Homework 6

time due submission file
9:00 AM Wednesday 25 October, 2006 csci/431/HW6/gradem.umb

The assignment

Assume you have a class where class work is weighted according to the table shown below:

Work Number Weight
Homework 8 20%
Quizes 3 40%
Final 1 40%

And assume the following final grade assignments:

average grade
&ge 90A
&ge 80B
&ge 70C
&ge 60D
< 60F

Finally, suppose the record grades for em students are stored in a LISP S-expression using the format shown below.

 ("Working Hard" (95 90 95 80 91 99 95 90) (99 87 89) 95)
 ("Average Joe"  (78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78) (78 78 78) 78)
 ("Fading Fast"  (90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20) (80 40 40) 10)
 ("Outa Range"  (105 80 70 60 50 40 30 20) (80 40 40) 10)
 ("Miss Scores"  (90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20) (80 40) 10)
 ("Notta Number" (() 80 70 60 50 40 30 20) (80 40 40) 10)

Your task

Your job is to write a Scheme function gradem that can be executed with umb-scheme, that will transform S-expressions like that shown above into one like that shown below:

 ("Working Hard" "A")
 ("Average Joe"  "C")
 ("Fading Fast"  "F")
 ("Outa Range"   "?")
 ("Miss Scores"  "?")
 ("Notta Number" "?")