Documenting your program

Have you ever wonder how those nice web pages documenting the methods of a class, such as the one for the Color class, are generated. They are done with Javadoc which we're going to look at now.

Javadoc is a standard for providing automatic documentation of the programs you write. Undoubtedly, you've noticed those pop-up windows NetBeans displays when it comes time to type in a method name and its arguments. This is another use of JavaDoc.

Loading a project

Start up NetBeans and open up some project you've completed in the past. We're going to use the animation, or StopLight lab, in this example.

We are going to use an external web browser to view the JavaDocs we generate, so begin by verifying NetBeans' choice of external browser. (This should only be necessary on a Linux box without Netscape.) In the NetBeans Window, select Tools and then Options. In the pop-up window, scroll until you find Web Browsers, which is directly below ServerAndExternalToolSettings. Underneath Web Browsers select the first External Browsers option, this should be External Browsers (UNIX) on a Linux machine (External Browsers (Windows) on a Windows box). Verify that the appropriate browser is designated; on our Linus boxes, the designation should read: mozilla {params}. Change the designation if necessary.

While it is not readily apparent why you would want to go through so much trouble for a small program, when you are working as part of a team writing thousands of lines of code, standard methods of documenting your program are crucial.

Right-Click on file. --> Tools --> Auto Comment...

Your Assignment ...

Open the file. Click the Tools menu, and select Auto Comment. In the left pane, select the public static void main() entry. This will pull up the JavaDoc creation screen for the main() method.


In the JavaDoc Comment Text box, enter the following:

Creates the StopLight Frames and starts the Control
threads.  This method is called when the program is started to load
the other classes.

comment text

Now click the New button. Select the @param option and click OK. Now for the Parameter field, click the drop down arrow way to the right of the field, and select Args.

comment text param description

For the description field, type:

This gets the command line arguments passed by the user.

param description

Finally, close the Auto Comment screen.

Notice that new comments were inserted into your document just before the start of the main method. These comments are in the special JavaDoc format. Many different programs (including NetBeans) can use this information to make automatic documentation. For instance, to generate a web page containing information on your program, click the Tools menu and select Generate JavaDoc. After a short period, NetBeans should ask you if you want to view it, click Yes.

Instructor Checkoff ...

Show your lab instructor your beautiful JavaDoc page.