CSCI 201 Introduction to Algorithm Design
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FALL 2006  


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An object is an entity that lives in the heap. It is created from a class while your program is running. Objects contain instance variables, which encode object properties, and instance methods, which act on those properties.

When you write a java program, you write classes. In general, a class is a template for making objects: each object can be thought of as a realization of a class. The class defines both the instance variables and the methods of the object. The process of creating a new object from a class is called instantiation. You use the keyword new to instantiate an object. For example, the code:

new myClass();

would create an object in the heap from the class myClass and then return a reference to that object. Unfortunately, Java can't refer to things in the heap by a name. After an object is created, the system forgets where it is. So, in order to use objects, we must store their locations in reference variables.

Reference Variables

Simply put, a reference variable stores an address of an object and thus serves as the object's name. Very simple values, like integers and doubles, are not objects. They are primitive data types. You can think of primitive variables as storing data, and reference variables as storing links to data. Creating reference variables is just like creating primitive variables. When you create a new reference variable, it links to nothing. You can make it link to an object by assigning it the value returned by new. Pretend we have a class called intHolder which looks like this:

class intHolder {
  private myInt;

  public intHolder (int newInt) {
    myInt = newInt;

  public int getInt() {
    return myInt;

The following Stack N' Heap demonstrates the difference between primitive and reference variables.

int prim = 5;
intHolder ref = new intHolder(5);

System.out.println( "prim = " + prim );
System.out.println( "ref.getInt() = " + ref.getInt() );

Parts of an Object

Objects can have both state and behavior. The state of an object is maintained in instance variables while instance methods provide the behavior. Suppose you had two intHolder objects, one called bi which has 2 in its instance variable, and one called tri which has 3 in it's instance variable. If you typed the command:


you would run the instance method getInt in the bi object. This would return the number 2.


Unlike instance variables and methods, static variables and methods are not part of any object. They are associated with the object's class. When you create a static variable, only one copy of that variable will ever exist in memory. The same is true for a static method. When you call a static method or use a static variable, you give the name of the class first, followed by a period, and then the name of the static method or variable. For example, lets say that the intHolder class has a static variable called maxValue. The definition for it might look like this inside the class:

public static int maxValue = 3000;

To access the maxValue variable from any place in your program, you would type intHolder.maxValue. Because there can be only one class called intHolder in your program, there is also only one variable called intHolder.maxValue. Any intHolder object that you instantiate from this class would not have its own maxValue. However, you can access the intHolder.maxValue variable from within instance methods, just as you would from anywhere else in your program.

Static variables are generally used for constants that are appropriate for all objects of the class. Public static variables are also appropriate for widely used program constants, such as Color.BLUE and Assigning to a static variable is an extreme measure.

The most famous static method is main, the entry point for Java applications. Static methods are also appropriate for object independent collections of routines, such as Math.pow and Math.sin.

Because static methods are required to have the same behavior for all instances of a class, they are not allowed to even reference, let along modify, a non-static instance variable. This restriction can make the writing of a static method a real challenge. It's best to avoid them -- except for main.


When we first instantiated the intHolder object using new, you may have noticed that we placed a number in parenthesis following the class name: intHolder ref = new intHolder ( 5 );. This number is passed to the intHolder object's constructor. A constructor is the first method that is run when an object is instantiated. The intHolder's constructor is:

public intHolder (int newInt) {
	myInt = newInt;

To write a constructor, you write a method that has no return type and whose method name the same as the class name. Most constructors look like the one shown above. They receive a collection of parameters which are copied into instance variables. These copies must be made. Otherwise, the parameter value will be lost when the constructor completes.

Invoking the constructor

The constructor, like the one above, is "called" by using the Java keyword new as shown below:

intHolder ref = new intHolder(5) ;

When this statement is executed, the Java system allocates new space for the intHolder object and transfers to the intHolder constructor which should initialize the instance variables of the object.

When new is used to construct an object, it must use a matching constructor. For example, new intHolder(3.1416) is not allowed. This new intHolder tries to use a double to construct the object, but the constructor only accepts an int. Similarly, both new intHolder() and new intHolder(6, 7) will fail. One has too few parameters, and the other has too many.

Frequently, a class is defined with multiple constructors, in which case new will succeed if it finds a matching constructor. For example the following constructor, which gives myInt a default value of 0, would match new intHolder().

public intHolder () {
	myInt = 0;

You can even match new intHolder(3.1416) by including the followig constructor.

public intHolder (double newNearInt) {
	myInt = Math.round(newNearInt);


Answer the questions below. You have to answer all questions correctly to see the rest of the lab.

A constructor

must have the same name as the class.
is used to create objects.
all of the above
none of the above.

Which of the following may be part of a class definition?

instance variables
instance methods
all of the above
none of the above

To instantiate MyClass, you would write?
MyClass ref = new MyClass();
MyClass ref = MyClass();
MyClass ref = MyClass;
  MyClass ref = new MyClass;