CSCI 431 Homework 8

time due submission file
last day of class csci/431/HW8/yourid.h

The game

This is the same game as Homework 7 but this time it is played in C++. Start by extracting a "driver" implementation containing the following four files:

OddWinsPlayer.h A C++ abstract class that your code must extend.
Home8Test.cpp A C++ program for testing a class extending OddWinsPlayer
Home8Play.cpp A C++ program for playing two classes extending OddWinsPlayer against each other
Makefile The start of a Makefile

The assignment

Your task is to write a C++ class that extends OddWinsPlayer Your class should should have a default constructor (taking no argument) implement the following five methods of OddWinsPlayuer

  1. opponentTakes(N): Called to inform your object that the opponent has taken N counters. Return 1, if this seems legitimate; and return 0, otherwise. If your oppenent takes 5 tokens or doesn't allow you a turn, that would not be legitimate.
  2. myTakes(): Called on your "turn" to obtain the number of counters you wish to take. Again return 0, if this call doesn't seem appropriate.
  3. setBoardSize(N): Called to inform your object that the board has N counters. Again return 0, if this call doesn't seem appropriate.
  4. setMaxMoves(N): Called to inform your object that at most N counters can be taken on a single move. Again return 0, if this call doesn't seem appropriate.
  5. resetGame(): Called to inform your object that a new game is starting.

Turning in

Copy and yourid.h and yourid.cpp to the assignment drop-off directory.

You can perform some limited "sanity" tests for your module by running it against the Home8Test included in the homework ZIP file.