CSCI 201 Lab 7 -- Loops

You're going to write a few loops in this lab.

Getting ready

Download the Lab 7 jar file and save it into the directory C:\Files, on Windows, or the directory csci/201, on Linux. To avoid that nasty jGRASP jar bug, type the following commands in the windows labs.

mkdir C:\Files\Lab07
cd C:\Files\Lab07
C:\j2sdk1.4.0_01\bin\jar xfv C:\Files\Lab07.jar

As a show of solidarity to our Windows colleagues, students in the Linux labs should type the following commands:

mkdir -p ~/csci/201/Lab07
cd ~/csci/201/Lab07
jar xfv ~/csci/201/Lab07.jar

By now, some of you may be wondering about that "xfv" you use with the jar command. It is an option that comes from the ancient Unix tar, tape archive, program. The xfv is for extract from a file (not a tape) verbosely.

The LoopPaint project

Open the jGRASP project file LoopPaint.gpj that you just extracted. Then open and compile the Java program Run the LoopPaint class and use the radio buttons to select and view each of the three displays created by the program.

Notice that the program begins with startments to import classes Painter and FrameLoopPaint and interface SpecLoopPaint from the edu.unca.cs.csci201.LabAids package. Your mission will be to program a few implementation of the SpecLoopPaint interface. Each of these will use an instance of the Painter class.

An example SpecLoopPaint

Scroll through until you find the code for an internal class called MyClass1.

public static class MyClass1 implements SpecLoopPaint
  public int  size() { return 100 ; }
  public void TestFunc(Painter P)
    P.TurnOn(15) ;
    P.TurnOn(23) ;
    P.TurnOn(87) ;
    P.TurnOn(93) ;

You'll notice that MyClass implements the SpecLoopPaint interface shown below. By the way, if you need a bit more information about interaces, you might want to pull out your textbook.

package edu.unca.cs.csci201.LabAids;

public interface SpecLoopPaint {
  public int  size() ;
  public void TestFunc(Painter P) ;

The first method, size, is easy. It returns the size of the grid. The grid consists of a lot of patches that can be painted by your Java code. These patches are number from 0 to n-1, where n is the integer returned by the size method.

The second method, TestFunc is used to paint the patches. TestFunc has single parameter, which we'll call P, of type Painter. Whenever we need to display the grid, an approprite P will be created and passed to your TestFunc method. By calling the TurnOn method of P, patches of the grid may be painted red. If a patched isn't TurnOn'ed, it remains white.

The TurnOn method has a single parameter, the index of the patch to be painted. The patches are numbered from 0 starting in the upper-left corner. Patch numbers increase sequentially from left-to-right. When one row is completed, we jump to the next.

Your Task

You are to modify the program you were given to produce the six displays described in the table below. To produce the first five displays modify the internal classes MyClass1 to MyClass5. We're going to let you figure out how to add the sixth class MyClass6 to LoopPaint.

1 In a grid with 100 cells, turn on every third integer from 0 to 99.
2 In a grid with 150 cells, turn on all squares (0, 1, 4, 9, ...).
3 In a grid with 144 cells, turn on all powers of two (1, 2, 4, 8, ...)
4 In a grid with 100 cells, turn on the first thirty numbers that are divisible by either three or seven.
5 In a grid with 10000 cells, turn on every number from 0 to 9999, that can be expressed as i2 + 5 i for an integer i.
6 In a grid with 20736 cells, turn on every number from 0 to 20735 which divides into 8393022 without leaving a remainder. By the way, if you resize the window, you might get a more interesting display.

Lab Checkoff

Be sure to show your lab instructor your loopy results.