-- -- File: K:\CSCI25~1\VENDING\VendABEL.vhd -- created: 11/07/00 16:16:07 -- from: 'K:\CSCI25~1\VENDING\VendABEL.asf' -- by fsm2hdl - version: -- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; library SYNOPSYS; use SYNOPSYS.attributes.all; entity vendabel is port (CLK: in STD_LOGIC; InThree: in STD_LOGIC; InTwo: in STD_LOGIC; RESET: in STD_LOGIC; Output: out STD_LOGIC); end; architecture vendabel_arch of vendabel is -- SYMBOLIC ENCODED state machine: Sreg0 type Sreg0_type is (ConFiveSix, ConFour, ConThree, ConTwo, ConZero); signal Sreg0: Sreg0_type; begin --concurrent signal assignments Sreg0_machine: process (CLK) begin if CLK'event and CLK = '1' then if RESET then Sreg0 <= ConZero; else case Sreg0 is when ConFiveSix => if InTwo # InThree then Sreg0 <= ConZero; elsif !InTwo & !InThree then Sreg0 <= ConFiveSix; end if; when ConFour => if InTwo & !InThree then Sreg0 <= ConFiveSix; elsif !InTwo & !InThree then Sreg0 <= ConFour; elsif !InTwo & InThree then Sreg0 <= ConZero; end if; when ConThree => if !InTwo & !InThree then Sreg0 <= ConThree; elsif InTwo # InThree then Sreg0 <= ConFiveSix; end if; when ConTwo => if !InTwo & InThree then Sreg0 <= ConFiveSix; elsif InTwo & !InThree then Sreg0 <= ConFour; elsif !InTwo & !InThree then Sreg0 <= ConTwo; end if; when ConZero => if InTwo & !InThree then Sreg0 <= ConTwo; elsif !InTwo & !InThree then Sreg0 <= ConZero; elsif !InTwo & InThree then Sreg0 <= ConThree; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; end if; end process; -- signal assignment statements for combinatorial outputs Output_assignment: Output <= ^b1 when (Sreg0 = ConFiveSix and InTwo # InThree) else ^b0 when (Sreg0 = ConFiveSix and !InTwo & !InThree) else ^b0 when (Sreg0 = ConFour and InTwo & !InThree) else ^b0 when (Sreg0 = ConFour and !InTwo & !InThree) else ^b1 when (Sreg0 = ConFour and !InTwo & InThree) else ^b0 when (Sreg0 = ConThree and !InTwo & !InThree) else ^b0 when (Sreg0 = ConThree and InTwo # InThree) else ^b0 when (Sreg0 = ConTwo and !InTwo & InThree) else ^b0 when (Sreg0 = ConTwo and InTwo & !InThree) else ^b0 when (Sreg0 = ConTwo and !InTwo & !InThree) else ^b0 when (Sreg0 = ConZero and InTwo & !InThree) else ^b0 when (Sreg0 = ConZero and !InTwo & !InThree) else ^b0 when (Sreg0 = ConZero and !InTwo & InThree) else ^b0; end vendabel_arch;