CSCI 107 Lab 3, Word-processing with WORD 97

All word-processing applications have essentially the same functionality. What differentiates them is HOW each functionality is accessed.. In this lab you will use the techniques of WORD 97. NOTE: Key strokes are enclosed in <>, i.e. <TAB> means press the tab key or <SHIFT-TAB> means hold the shift key down and tap the Tab key.

  1. Open a new document in WORD and type the following paragraphs without using the <Enter> key except to end a paragraph. Use the Tools, Spell and Grammar to check your completed document.

    Regardless of the country where you are presenting a gift to a host or busness associate, there are some general guidelines regarding international gift giving.

    Flowers are acceptable in most cultures, but in many countries you should avoid red roses because they signify romantic intrest. Also, in most European countries, white flowers and chrysanthenums are given only for condolences or sympathy. Avoid giving an even number of flowers, and unwrap the flowers before presenting them to the recipient.

    Chocolates or gifts of candy are usually appropriate. Be careful not to give candy manufactured in a rival country.

    Gifts with company logos are usually acceptable, providing the logo is small and unobtrusive. In some countries, caps and T-shirts with logos are considered souvenirs, not gifts.

  2. Quite often you must select text to cut, copy, format and numerous activities. The following are various ways of quickly selecting parts of a text document. Try each of the following. To select a:
    1. Word: double click anywhere on the word.
    2. Paragraph: triple click anywhere in the paragraph.
    3. Line: Click in the margin left of the line.
    4. Several lines: Drag down in the left margin of the lines desired.
    5. Any block of text: Drag mouse over the text.
    6. Deselect any selected text by clicking anywhere on the screen.
  3. The insertion bar can be moved either by clicking the mouse in the new location or by use of keystrokes. Many times it is quicker to use key strokes than to use the mouse, The following are the strokes most often used. Use each of the following in your document and in the rest of this lab.
    1. CTRL <- or CTRL -> One Word to the left or right
    2. HOME or END Far left or far right of current line.
    3. PageUp or PageDown Top or bottom of current screen
    4. CTRL-HOME or CTRL-END Top or Bottom of Document
  4. There are several ways to document a document. One of those is to use footnotes. Word does a lot of the work for you. You need only to click at the point where the footnote is to be placed, then in the main menu select Insert, Footnote, OK. Then type in the text of the footnote. Endnotes are created in a similar manner.
    1. Place a footnote at the end of the first paragraph.
  5. Many types of formats can be done while the insertion bar is placed anywhere in a paragraph. Any of the four alignment options MS Word alignment optionscan be selected,
    1. Click in the second paragraph and full justify the text.
    2. (If the ruler bar is not showing, select View, Ruler) In formal papers, long quotes are usually indented on both margins. To do this, click anywhere in the paragraph, then on the ruler bar, drag the left margin marker ½" to the right, and the right margin marker to the left ½". ruler bar
    3. A whole paragraph can be indented or outdented by use of the icons. indentational icons Click in the third paragraph and indent the paragraph.
  6. The Outline feature is a very valuable tool which will allow automatic updates of the outline when modified. Begin the outline feature by selecting Format, Bullets and Numbering, Outline Numbering tab, click on the second option, OK.
    1. This first line will appear automatically
    2. Pressing <Enter> will automatically create the next line in the same level.
      1. To change levels, with the insertion bar after the level number, press the <TAB> key to go down a level or <SHIFT-TAB> to go up a level.
      2. Select View, Normal to turn off the Outline feature.
    3. Press <CTRL-END> to move the insertion bar to the end of the document and press <ENTER> twice.
      1. Now use the outline feature to create the following outline
      2. To insert a level item, put the insertion bar at the end of the line "This is the first level" and press <ENTER> and type "This has been inserted" Notice that the numbering has been readjusted.
  7. Graphics are used to emphasize or spruce up a document. You will now insert are resize a graphic.
    1. Select Insert, Picture, Clip Art and select Nature and one of the flowers.
    2. Point to one of the corner handles until the double (45 degree angle) arrow appears, then reduce the size of the image (to about 1 inch square) by dragging a corner handle. Notice that there is no distortion if the corner handles are used to drag. The aspect ratio IS changed if any of the side handles are used to resize.
    3. Move the image between the first and second paragraphs by pointing anywhere in the interior of the image and dragging the image.
    4. To make the text wrap around the image, right click on the image and select the Format Picture, Wrapping tab, Wrapping style: Square, Wrap to: Right. Now move the image to look like the following:
      wrapped flower
  8. The last option in this lab is the use of Tables. Though there are many reasons to use tables, we will use them to allow a variable number of lines in several columns which need to have text wrap in each column.
    1. Create a 3 column, 3 row table by selecting, the Table, Insert Table or clicking the Table icon table icon and dragging over 3 columns and down 3 rows then clicking once in the last selected square.
    2. With the insertion bar in the first cell, move forward to the next cell with the <TAB> and backward with the <SHIFT-TAB> (the tab feature to align text within the cells is disabled)
    3. Select the cells in the first row by dragging across the three cells, then right click anywhere in the selected region and chose Merge Cells to create a one cell row.
      1. Click on the center text icon in the tool bar, then type Student Data in the first row
      2. To shade the cell, right click in the cell and select Borders and Shading, Shading tab. Then select a shade or color and change the Apply to from Table to Cell.
        borders and shading dialog
      3. Increase the width of the first column by pointing between the cells until the double arrow appears, then drag to the right about ½". Your table should look similar to the one below.
    4. Type in your name and address in the second row, first cell. Notice that the cell expands as new rows are needed.
    5. Put your e-mail address in the second column and in the third column a short paragraph describing yourself
    6. Create some fictitious person for the second row data.
      filled table
  9. Some professors require that you have your name and date in the upper right corner of each paper as well as the page number in the bottom center of each paper. The Headers and Footers option allows you to enter this information only once, yet it will be printed automatically on each page.
    1. To create a Header and/or Footer, select View, Header and Footer and in the Header area, type your name on the first line, press <ENTER> and select the Insert Date icon on the Header/Footer toolbar.(point to each icon, without clicking, until the Insert Date message appears)
    2. Select both lines and click the Align Right icon in the main toolbar
    3. To create the footer, click on the Switch between header and footer icon and type just the word Page when the message X of Y appears, press <ENTER>. The page counter and the total page counter are both automatically entered. Page 1 or 6, Page 2 of 6, etc will show on the bottom of each page. Select the text and Center Align.
    4. Close the Header and Footer tool bar. To view the header and footer in the document, select View, Page Layout
  10. Save your document on to your disk as wordlab.doc
  11. Use the FTP application to transfer wordlab.doc into your CSCI107 folder in your Bulldog account. (NOTE: make sure that wordlab.doc is all in lower case!)