Date: Sat, 9 Dec 1995 13:40:01 -0500 From: brock Subject: a little more on the exam This is a bit of verification of what I said in class about the exam. The take home exam will be distributed at 5:00 pm on Monday, December 11. Information for retrieving the exam will be sent via email. The exam will consist of several (~3) problems similar to those you have performed on the homework assignments. It is my intention to make the exam so that people who have done well on the assignments will be able to complete the exam in three hours. However, that's a goal, and I suspect you all know that faculty have trouble with these sorts of estimates! I'm afraid those of you who are less experienced workstations users may need to budget a bit more time. Almost all questions will involve modification of programs and/or files that will be provided by me. You all will start with similar, but not identical, files. Your answers should be stored in a subdirectory csci/373/takehome of your home directory. This directory should be protected against access by other users. Create and protect this directory by typing the following commands: mkdir -p ~/csci/373/takehome chmod go-rx ~/csci/373/takehome At 5:50 pm on Tuesday, the exam will be collected when I run a shell script to copy all of the take home directories. Because another class is using the 004 lab at 6:00 this is a firm deadline! We have 17 students in 373. There are 16 workstations in 004. If everyone tries to complete the exam at the last moment, we'll have a problem! To avoid this situation, I'm going to make one more rule "No one is allowed to use the workstations more than four hours between 12:00 and 5:50 on Tuesday". As I mentioned in class, we will keep 004 open after hours on Monday. At 6:00 pm, we will gather in the usual class room for a brief short answer exam which will count one-fourth of the final exam grade. Don't worry much about studying for this. It'll be the kind of questions you'll have no trouble if you've been attending class. I'll even allow you to choose to answer X out of Y questions, where X < Y. I want you to treat this take home exam like a real inclass exam. In particular, you should not ask anyone, except me, questions about the exam! Consequently, there should be no talking in 004 when the exam is in-progress. Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 16:54:08 -0500 From: brock Subject: To start the take home final Run the following command /usr/local/csci/373/takehome