Day07:Berlin to near Czech on the Elbe Radweg using a train to Dresden: A nice day with some minor issues...

I left Berlin this morning by riding to a S-Bahn station and taking the S-Bahn to a regular train station where I got a slow train to Dresden. My host helped me get tickets yesterday and a nice young vietnamese man - I think his parents are diplomats in Berlin - rode with me on the S-Bahn and made sure that I got off at the right stop.

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After that, I got back on the road and had a long climb, with moderate traffic up a narrow road. Near that top of that climb, the road was one lane for about half a km while the the outer lane was being rebuilt. It looked like part on it has fallen down towards the river. That road came down to Bad Schanden, another very touristy place. I crusied through it looking for a place I could afford to stay. The places I checked were full, so, in light rain, I continued out of town.

I was no longer on the Elbe Radweg - it was across the river with the railroad - so I thought I might have a better chance of find a place to camp. I found one less than a km later. It was under a big tree between the road and the radweg, but well hidden from both. I wasn't the first person to find it, judging from the litter, but it was good enough for my purposes. I set up camp in light rain, but, an hour later it was moderate to heavy rain. That is when I discovered that the way I had, because I had to set my tent up between two smaller trees, created a situation that let water running off the tent come in on both sides near the front of the tent. I sort of fixed that problem and went sleep in moderate rain rain about 9 PM.

At 9:40 PM, one of the stakes at the front of my tent came out of the, now muddy, dirt. I woke when the tent collapsed on me. I managed, fron inside the tent, to get the stake back in and the tent back up, but I had to put my hands in the, very sticky, mud to do it. I did the best I could to get the mud off of them,then wiped them on my sleeping shirt and went back to sleep. The tent stayed up and the rain let up, so I slept well till about 7 AM. Then I packed and headed back into town for some breakfast. I got quite muddy in the process, but thought I'd managed to loook reasonably presentable. However, the lady at the bakery where I had breakfast wasn't very friendly.

After breakfast, when I cleaned up in their restroom, I discovered that the collar of my shirt had mud on it.